Sunday, November 2, 2008

From the fingers of Dan: Long time, no typing.

Rule number one: listen to everything Susan says.
Rule number two: Susan is once again the conduit for all back-and-forth information. If you don't have the Internet (read: about three of you), you'll have to wait for your updates by camel back as usual. Step up to the 21st century, please.

My condition is poor and unpredictable. That's why I insist that no one makes any surprise visits (exempting the old TF bunch). Surprise visits do no work with the hospital, and I don't like them. I don't want to throw up on your Barney's parka but...well maybe yes I do...but either way, it's easier for you to give Susan a quick ring. I also expend a lot of energy doing easy stuff like standing. No offense, but I am not going to waste the rest of it talking to you (unless your name is Susan).

Recent summary of my condition:
1) lots of nausea and vomiting
2) complete loss of appetite (I had some Ensure today)
3) lots of physical unsteadiness (I fell down once)
4) I can't even count how many days I have spent in bed

As Susan describes in the chemo regimen, it shouldn't take "too" long timewise, but it's just abother thing to get in the way of finishing this ordeal.

Thanks again to everyone who has expressed their care and well wishes.



Jack Jodell said...

God bless you and keep up that fighting spirit! Susan, reading your updates to this blog has been revealing. You are a remarkable lady to shoulder this as you have, and the two of you must be a remarkable couple. Your strength, understanding, and selflessness are admirable. All who know and love you pray for your mutual triumph in this struggle, as neither of you deserve this at such a young age. Know that all are praying for you and your eventual VICTORY!
Jack Jodell
Minneapolis, MN

nolipmann said...

So glad to read words that you were able to type. Very glad. I thought about your fingers on the keys--it was wonderful to know you were strong enough to communicate directly. Also--you sound so like yourself. Thanks for making the effort. Much appreciated. Prayers and thoughts for Susan and you from Tampa. Love, Meret

Many Men Mishaps said...

Dan -
Susan's friend Brandy here. I am letting you know my nephew has drawn you a few comics. He really is concerned about you and sends his wishes. He wanted to deliver the comics himself, but I have read him some of this blog and he now understands why he needs to mail them. I hope you are kicking cancers Ass and soon we will meet and be able to all hang out when I come to the city. My nephew says that maybe you should call the comic book character Kick Ass to take care of the problem.
Take care!
