Friday, January 30, 2009

I am writing from the computers at the ICU and I wanted to give everyone waiting an update. Dan's breathing became increasingly labored today, and although his oxygen levels and heart still looked ok, the doctors were concerned that his body was getting much too tired to continue on with such labored breaths. They discussed the possibility of "intubation" or installing a breathing tube, and we all--doctors from many departments, Dan himself, and I decided that that would be the best option. It means that he will be sedated as long as the tube is in. He should be able to hear people but he won't be able to respond. Dan was in and out of lucidity (for lack of a better word) today so I asked him as many different ways as I could what he wanted to do, and his answer was "let's do it" since his body and mind just want to rest.

The silver lining of hope and the idea is still to give him the white blood cell transfusion tonight and continue with the antibiotics, so if his body doesn't have to work so hard they are able to buy some time to see if these things work. His leukemia doctor said they want to give him every chance available, and that's what helped make this decision.

They just completed placing the tube in, along with a feeding tube should he need it. I don't need to say that the past few moments were the most surreal and difficult of my life. That said, there is still the hope that his body will figure out how to fight this infection and he'll be able to breathe on his own soon.

That's all I can write for now. I will have to see if visitation is an option in the coming days...probably not, but there's family here so that is good.

Much love to all and know I can feel the love back. Also, I know that Dan wants you to think of him in his healthy state, free to do all of the things he loves and not a victim of this terrible disease.


Unknown said...

Dan and Susan you are in our prayers. Your blogs are very well done and keep us informed of his condition, as I know it has to be hard to do. Glad you have some family there as no one can do it alone! Wish we could be there to help. Dad and Lorraine

Kathy Swift Thompson said...

Hooking Thumbs.....
A South African version of fingers crossed. Just to let you know Susan and Dan we are hooking thumbs for the best....
Lots of Love, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Rick... or whatever we are in blended families.

Mike said...

Thinking of you EVERYDAY and praying to the God of BAM!!

Godsend Dan :)


Unknown said...

Hi Susan and Dan,

Thinking of you tonight.

Big hugs,

Unknown said...

Suz and Dan -
All my love and good healthy thoughts are speeding your way. I hope Dan's body can soak up all the rest it needs to ninja kick this infection out for good!
Erica (aka E!!)

K Dutt said...

I don't know how you find the strength to think of "us" - your friends and family - to keep us informed. Thank you so very much for being such an incredible person. I'm guessing the writing in some way is helpful; please know what it means to us as well as what you and Dan me to everyone that has ever met you. Sending every positive thought and prayer your way. love and hugs, Kathryn and kids